4: Backsliding, Deferred

This week, James and Jean review their respective crazy weeks (ukulele conference! three nights of nephew wrangling!) and how their task management goals suffered. Progress was made, because we didn’t let ourselves give up and adapted our methods to fit reality.

Listeners: do that weekly review, if you haven’t already! We find it to be a great stress reliever, even when we are way behind on what we are trying to get done.

Going to be in San Jose on June 6? Come out for a fun night of geeky music and support App Camp For Girls at the Seventh Annual LIVE near WWDC show, featuring the inimitable James Dempsey and the Breakpoints! (Jean will be there, as always, playing guitar on a couple of numbers, as well as many of your favorite Mac and iOS developers.) Tickets are on sale now!

The Weekly Review @theweeklyreview
